Wednesday 25 July 2007


Well, it feels as though I have been away for months! This just shows how much of an utter blogger I really am. I missed it. How dare work get in the way, the cheeky blighter.

OK, so it's only been two days. But still.

Thing is, life is rather odd at the moment. The tablets that are meant to help me sleep are a mild form of LSD, and the side-effects are increasingly horrendous. I'm seeing the doctor very soon, so I shall tell him I've had it with the medication (but I shan't admit that I have cut down, albeit only by a tiny amount... but why wait?). I'm not having any alternatives, either.

My head hurts a lot of the time and I feel as though a blood vessel is throbbing inside it. Also, the latest joy is that I am a bit breathless, and breathing in hurts. I lose my train of thought, feel confused, retch uncontrollably (usually in private, thank God), am often spaced out... Oh, and there's all the emotional fuckage as well. No thanks!

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