Sunday 17 June 2007

Father's Day

OK, OK, so some say Father's Day is a commercial piece of poo. But I do love my dad. Any excuse to buy him a present is fine by me. He and my mum deserve far more than I could give them.


  1. hey mell d, i agree - a lot of these days are just vehicles for commerical awfulness, but mother's day & father's day are two i would never miss: like you, i can never give my mum & step-dad as much as they deserve.

    hope you feeling less tired, though probably pointless to say . . .

    but am thinking of you.

    yes, very mischievous of lord ponetta to make me think you like the BB twins . . .


  2. Lovely NMJ, thank you. I'm feeling slightly crazy and am keeping self to self.

    Yes, that Lord Pony is awful. Scandalous Horsey.
