Monday 4 June 2007


One hundred posts... My one hundredth 'new post' window. And a handy excuse to publish the cover of one of my favourite group's albums.

It would appear, from my labels, that my top 10 topics of blogversation are: sleep, health, insomnia, kung fu, exhaustion, work, family and friends, stress, food and drink and the garden. Does that represent work-life balance? I suppose it depends on what the heck it is that I yak on about exactly.

I am pleased that Big Brother is not among the top 10 – I'd have to get psychiatric help, and fast, if it was. But I'm not so pleased that there are so many references to my blasted sleep disorder and exhaustion.

And why is work so high up on my list? I've had months and months of problems this year. Until today (touch wood cetra)...

Today, I was offered a full-time job on a mag. However, judging by what I was told, I don't think the pay will match what I earn as a freelance, and I am not sure I want to relinquish being my own boss. I love working for myself. I work hard but relish what I do (people sometimes make it difficult but that's par for the course, in this industry of egos and tossers). Anyway, I'm very flattered to have been asked.

Oh, and I was called up unexpectedly by an old contact who offered me some lucrative work that I annoyingly can't do as I have no time. And, I heard today that one of my articles has been deemed 'best read in ages' by a magazine for which I write.

So, work was not at all bad today. But I was still retching and ill due to 'stress tummy' before I left for work. My doctor says it's definitely due to ongoing work stresses over the past few months and nothing else. It's horrible.

Another thing – I seem to be slightly more psychic than usual.
I knew I'd see S at the bus stop (I very rarely see him on the way home). I knew I'd hear from two friends I hadn't heard from in a while. I think I even half-dreamed the email conversations. I knew that we'd see our kung fu instructor and his girlfriend tonight, in this neck of the woods, many miles from where they live. I knew things. Just general things of no special or obvious significance. But I knew.


  1. Mellifluous, I am having a bad bout of life envy, I was over at ms Icemaiden anna's proposing a 24-hour life swap and I'm thinking of doing the same here, except that it would be no deal because I've just been diagnosed with shingles. Add that to existing Condition and you don't get much of a deal. Congrats on things going so well with work and all - would like to ask where one can read what you write but understand wish for anonymity (is why I'm a triangle, after all).

    About the psychic thing (as my name is RTS), watch out, once you begin to know things it opens up a whole new dimension. I know, I know. A high and lofty destiny, ours mellifluous, and will anyone believe us? So who is going to win BB?

  2. No, really? Shingles? RTS, sympathies, my dear. That's just horrible. Wishing you better, and quickly.

    Am scared to come out with my 'other' writings (may do so at some point but am mere child in blogging terms, I feel, and need to grow some more)...

    Oh, you know, this knowing things is weird and amazing. I'm with you, lofty RTS. Who cares whether they believe us or not? Do we care? No. We care not.

    As for BB. Hmm. Methinks Laura will win, or one of the blokes yet to come into the house. But do we care? Do we, RTS? (Are you starting to care, hmmmm?)

    Ach, got to go to bed now. Them's the rules.

    Get well soon
