Tuesday, 26 August 2008


Ever get the feeling you are, at best, mediocre at various aspects of your life? I feel as though I have the anti-Midas touch at the moment. Thing after thing... erodes the confidence after a while.

Oh well.

Sorry the blog's a bit melancholy at the moment.


  1. Try falling down on your face and blacking your eye at your place of work for a confidence basher. I hope the melancholy lifts before the season of melancholy begins...

  2. Ow, Petal, that sounds damn painful. Hope your eye is healing well.

    Thanks – I hope the melancholy takes a hike, too. I may buy some cava later to help it along...

  3. Um .. daily.

    "Some people are born mediocre, some people achieve mediocrity, and some people have mediocrity thrust upon them."
    - Joseph Heller, "Catch 22"

  4. Ahhhh, Beth, that's so depressing... I can't bear the thought that mediocrity is the pinnacle of anything (important) in my life. It's the fear of that that keeps me striving, for sure. (But doesn't stop the feeling that mediocrity has won, at times.)

    FWIW, I don't think you are at all mediocre.

  5. It is a pretty depressing quote. I merely meant to point out that sometimes mediocrity hits and we can not help it. Sometimes it is forced upon us. I think, however, that we can overcome it! :o) I hope you are sleeping better!

  6. I totally agree... it's a pain when it's thrust upon us though. Bloody thing! Either makes us apathetic or motivates, I guess.

    I hope you are sleeping better, too, Beth. I'm sleeping so-so, having the most bizarre dreams. My brain's working overtime...
