Friday, 8 August 2008

Olympic waste

Am I bad for having zero interest in the Olympics? A couple of my friends are very enthusiastic – one said he would book two weeks off work to watch them.

But while I will be very pleased and proud if we win any medals, which I hope we do, I can't say I'll be glued to the box to watch the games. I don't have the time anyway.

As for London 2012, I cannot believe we are spending so much money on a sporting event that will pass in the space of a few weeks. Insane.


  1. I feel the same about these games too.

    Good you slept well last night.Take care dear.

  2. I'm indifferent too, but unfortunately my OH is really excited about them and plans to watch as much as possible.

    As for 2012, I was never behind the idea - how the transport system alone will cope worries me. 2012 seemed like such a long way off when we were given them but now it is hardly any time at all.

  3. As a general rule, I love watching the Olympics - I love the sense of coming together, the camaraderie, the competition, the magic of the gymnastic events, the strengh of the athletic events and so on.
    However, this time, I am consciously boycotting watching the games. Human rights come first - and while several months ago the media swore they'd boycott the Games because of China's human rights abuses they're now all over the Games like a rash - I don't want to be as hypocritical.

    As for 2012 - given the UKs current economic woes... ooh er, shudder.

  4. Sameera, it just seems like such a silly amount of money. If it was an ongoing programme of sports then I'd feel differently but they are talking of recession here and it just seems crazy.

    take care too

  5. NMJ, yep, I know what you mean, though the two of my friends who are deeply enthusiastic make me feel guilty for not a) knowing who is who in team GB, and b) not really caring too much!


  6. So true, Sanddancer. I can't believe it's just a few years away.

    The transport system is going to be hilariously bad unless some miracle happens! Perish the thought of commuting across London...

  7. Vanilla, this also bugs me. The human rights issues are so strong but we seem very quick to decide that they don't merit the wrath that we unleash on other countries with similar records.

    I recall when I was a student sharing a house with a Chinese man, he was about 20, who hadn't heard of what had happened in Tiananmen Sq. He actually thought I had made it up... He said he's ask about it when he want back on holiday.

    I used to be very into the games as a child but maybe that's because Britain performed really well then and had some superb athletes.

  8. Patriotism is not tied to how many hours you spend watching the TV.
