Thursday, 14 August 2008

Sleepless on the settee

Am so tired.

My skin looks unglowy and I have dark circles beneath my eyes.

I worry/analyse/think too much. Must sort this out.


  1. Was wondering why no updates since a while.Take good care dear.

  2. Ah, thanks my lovely. I have been a bad blogger... I will make more of an effort.

    My default when any stress happens seems to be: too much adrenaline = no sleep = more worry and on it goes!

    Hope you are well.... x

  3. Honey, I know that cycle too well. Sending lavender for your pillow, (not that it helps remotely)! Take good care x

  4. Ah, thanks for the virtual lavender, NMJ... I hope you are feeling rested today.


  5. Lovely. I'm right there with you. Night after night after night. If you find the answer ... share! :o)

  6. Hey Beth – I don't know... I think exercise helps me most. Also, having a light supper seems to be better than a full-on curry, which I am a bit partial to!

    Stress and a whirling mind are the things that exacerbate insomnia I've found. But it's hard to break that cycle when you're right there in it. Also, I'm trying to avoid the computer in the evenings now. Not great for a writer/blogger but I think there may be a connection.

    Take care
