Thursday 10 April 2008

How old are you?

The start of a very, very busy day was made sweeter by the woman in Tesco who asked me if I had any ID on me, as I had a bottle of cava in my mound of supermarket shopping (I had started the day especially early, as S and I had to collect a car from the garage and I had to give him a lift there).

I told her I am in my late 30s and the cashier exclaimed in surprise. She examined my shopping, saying that I obviously look after myself. She looked impressed at my fruit and vitamins. (There was cake, alcohol and crisps in there, too.)

It was funny. I cannot believe the cashier really thought I was under 18 – maybe she is a soul who likes to cheer folk up. But I shall retain the memory, in any case.

1 comment:

  1. We..few friends had one out for a movie recently and the guy at the counter wouldn't give the tickets..the movie was fo above 18. And i can assure you i do look above 18 ;) It felt great, though i think he was trying to play on :)!!
