Saturday 5 May 2007


Well, the alarm went off. And here I am. I broke one of P's rules by not getting up straightaway.

Last night, I did not sleep well.

I feel like shit and wish I could have stayed in bed. P had said, "This is going to be hard," at the time, and I sat there thinking: "How can anything be that hard?"

My body aches with tiredness. I feel like a zombie.

Ah, I can hear the birds singing their morning songs. Bit late for them, isn't it? Still, it's a pleasant sound.

Better feed the rabbits as they're pulling at my dressing gown (and we got home late-ish last night during which time they had eaten part of one of my sandals – I dreamt about that last night). Oh, the trauma.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You'll get there, MD

  3. hey mell dark, i love that you have rabbits that eat your sandals.

  4. Hey there NMJ, good morning to you.

    Yes, the little scamps eat anything. They live in the house – fully litter-trained (as I always quickly stress!) – and have chomped through bits of skirting board, electric cables and part of a wicker chair.

    But my shoes... my shoes! Aaah, this is where I have my Carrie-Sex-and-the-City face on. How can they not know?!

    The baby rabbit, a blonde-brown thing with lop ears and a speed of 70mph, is especially naughty and eats soil from pot plants, which she spills everywhere. Her name is Albert (don't ask)...
