Wednesday 4 April 2007


Kung fu was great – extremely testing (press-ups on knuckles, for instance) and a heavy-going routine. N, the instructor, who makes it look so easy, was in full savage mode last night.

However, I developed the beginnings of a cold during the class that brewed into a full-blown stinker, very quickly. We were doing some serious stretching at one point when I felt my nose running. So, I pretended it was sweat that I was wiping away. How utterly embarrassing. I hoped to God we wouldn't do the pairing-up exercises where some poor bastard would have had to hold my hands. God was listening, and I was saved that embarrassment (and the others were spared my germs). I snuffled through the entire class and hardly slept last night.

Am rather peed off as this is meant to be a holiday and I am sitting here sneezing non-stop with a sore, runny nose and shrunken eyes. An enforced day of rest for me, methinks. Grrrrr.


  1. quite depressing look. wake up from is supposed to be happy not painfully black

  2. Anonymous, it's a shame you haven't read the post in context (I was feeling quite ill when I wrote it). Life is not painfully black, not unless one is a depressive. And neither is it *always* happy (unless one is deluded).

    I woke up from darkness a long time ago and appreciate life's minutiae more than you could possibly imagine.

    (BTW, clinical insomnia can cause one to feel horrendous but I don't expect anyone who hasn't suffered it to understand.)

    Anyone who knows me knows that I am, despite some things that you would be surprised to hear I've been through, a glass full person, not just half-full.

    Also, it is important to recognise that life's blacker side is what allows you to see and appreciate the beauty and light that is there as well. To look at things only through rose-coloured glasses gives a one-dimensional view of life that cannot possibly be real or healthy.

  3. Agree with MD's comment.

    Personally, I don't think 'anonymous' has actually bothered to read this blog or maybe he or she has just decided its 'black' because of the name. I don't find it depressing!

  4. Thanks, Rami. It's somewhat annoying when a reader skims a post or two and misses the point of the entire blog, which was started to document my experiences as an insomniac. But this blog does not just detail the effects of (lack of) sleep. Far from it. Anonymous obviously hadn't read anything I wrote about Paris, for starters. Ah, well...
