Tuesday 14 October 2008


I've had enough of GFG's door slamming. So far, it's gone on until 1.30am, so I called the police (at about 1am) and am awaiting their arrival. I had earplugs in but still her blatant malicious SLAMMING, which shakes our home, woke us up. The SLAMMING has been going on all evening. I shouted at her to stop but it doesn't have an effect. Neither does the polite approach (tried that months ago).

My chest tightened horribly and my blood pressure must have gone through the roof; I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my body. I can't keep letting this happen. I will blow a fuse. I was having a nice peaceful evening watching telly and then she started (S was out). I have a deadline tomorrow and the actions of that selfish, immature little c*nt will now fuck up my day. It has gone on for months, the best part of a year. Too long.

I have fucking well had enough. ENOUGH.


  1. Yay. Strong language and police action. This is like one of those shows I watch - and shouldn't - on Sky.
    I hope the police bundled her out of her home and handed her to the Americans. Those guys know how to deal with trouble-makers, Melodious, and to hell with democracy, innit.

    Anyway, about time, too. She had it coming. Go you.
    (Please tell me they actually did something.)

    Kind regards etc....

    TPE (fascist for a day)

  2. They haven't arrived yet but assure me they will – they have been pretty good on the phone so far.

    I am so angry. So angry I barely slept when the noise let up for three hours (yes, I slept even less than usual) and we felt really ill this morning. The stress is a killer. My body aches and I have been popping pills to a) stay awake and b) stay sitting up. It's not good, TPE, not good at all.

    There was an incident where we confronted her in the hallway this morning, which I will blog later.

    Best wishes from the world of the fist clenching. jaw-tightening MD
