Friday 9 March 2007

The drugs better had work

Don't know whether to celebrate or have a lie down. My doctor yesterday diagnosed a sleep disorder that incorporates two elements (bruxism and PLM – in layman's terms, this is teeth gnashing and plenty of moving around, which means I'm finding it difficult to get into deep sleep and REM, which causes exhaustion and headaches and numerous other symptoms that aren't pleasant). I saw the way my brainwaves peak and trough on a computerised chart. It was very interesting to see my inner stuff in black and white. Spooky in a way.

The doctor prescribed two kinds of medication for two months. He is a kindly man with a fiercely intelligent air, and had a look of sympathy and possibly slight curiosity when he spoke to me, as did the pharmacist from whom I collected the tablets. I have a summary page of my polysomnography report, which shows that some figures relating to my sleep and its quality are out of the normal range. It's not as bad as it could have been, but it is all relative and it's bad enough for me that my entire life has been put on hold due to what my brain and body decides to do of a night.

I could only take one of the tablets last night as I had helped myself to the last beer we kept in the cupboard, having had an utterly tiring day that involved being on 13 different pieces of transport and plenty of walking. Oh, and I had to interview lots of people and suchlike. My body *aches* today. I am so glad I am working at home today... I have a deadline to meet and a weekend ahead that is packed with work (another trip tomorrow, and yes I know it is Saturday), and then I'll have to write it all up on Sunday. Anyway, I can't drink any booze while on these tablets, so I'll be deprived of my lovely rioja for a bit. But it's a price worth paying. I would, in the spirit of a well-worn cliché, love to be drunk on life itself.

The garden is coming into bloom (the clematis we bought at Hampton Court is scrambling up the wall rather beautifully) and the skin on my hands burned slightly while I was out yesterday. This, folks, means spring is here.

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