Oops. My stomach has just started to rumble.
Anyway, as far as the sleep thing goes, I managed more than six hours (possibly not unbroken but not too drastic seeing as I can't recall). Of course, this meant I woke up feeling jet-lagged, but there you go. Did some yoga – this time with the help of a book – and have vowed to have a session every morning as it woke me up and moved me from post-flight from New York to post-Eurostar from Paris in the jet-lag stakes. My heart still does this thing where I can feel it beating. Obviously, I know it beats, this wondrous organ – and I am hugely grateful and glad that it does – but I wish I wasn't so aware of it at times.
Oh, Celebrity Big Brother is still rumbling on while Jade Goody tries to rescue her career with a trip to India. Apparently the "highest authorities" at the Indian Embassy are deciding whether to let the gobby one through its portals. I know what I'd say.
It's crispy, gaspy cold again (which is a good sign for winter, isn't it?) and I have four layers – plus the central heating – on. Wish I could click my heels and find myself back on this mountainside Caribbean beach...

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