And, the furore surrounding Big Brother (I won't use the C-word: celebrity)... it goes on and on, with rather pleasing results. The Carphone Warehouse has pulled its sponsorship of the show, the Perfume Shop will clear the shelves of Jade's *ahem* scent. And, well, Shilpa and Jade are up for eviction tomorrow night. Now, am I the kind of sad person who will cancel a social life (or build one) around BB? It would appear that I am.
Some YouTube delights from the house:
Jade and Shilpa argue over Oxo cubes while Jo and Danielle wet themselves laughing
After the fight - Danielle says Shilpa should "fuck off home"
Shilpa tries a bit of girlie bonding and fails miserably
This from The Mirror:
Jade to Shilpa: "You're not some princess in f***ing Neverland. You're not some princess here. You're a normal housemate like everybody else. Everybody else.
"Go back to the slums and find out what real life is about lady. "You're so far up your own a**e you can smell your own s***. You're a liar and a fake."
Shilpa, 31, told 23-year-old Jade she needed elocution lessons, before fleeing to the bedroom.
Sniggering Danielle - who once fronted an anti-bullying campaign - said to Jade: "That was f***ing fantastic, I loved it. I think she should f*** off home.
"Does that mean I need elocution lessons because she can't understand what I f***ing say? She can't even speak English properly anyway."
Surely whether this is acceptable in 2007 is a no-brainer. But still, it needs to be shown. It's great that people will see what Chavscum are really like and maybe we will stop calling them 'celebrities'. I hope the upshot is that so many people will be appalled by Jade, Danielle and Jo 'Pat Butcher' O'Meara, that their words will hold no water and we won't have to see shelves filled with their talentless mugs any longer.
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