Tuesday 1 April 2008


I had a very detailed dream last night/this morning about a gorgeous pair of shoes. Actually, they were shoe-boots, which in waking life always gape around my ankles. These were tan, leather, had a sort of lacing thing going on and were wonderful. They cost £385 but I still bought them. I even had the slightly sick feeling I get when I'm buying something that I like to call an 'investment'... Expensive dream, that.


  1. I love that these lovely boots -- in which "waking life always gape around my ankles" (lovely) -- that these boots had a price tag, but a specific price and a steep one at that. Really lovely.

    So, do you have any emotional investments in real life that are pending?

  2. Hello, wise writing sage... lovely to see you here.

    Thank you for your comments and insight – yes, there is such a situation. And, the thing is, I hadn't even really thought about it until you mooted it...

  3. Were you dreaming of Prada boots!?
    Am I right in now thinking you have the slim, delicate ankles of a true thoroughbred? ;-)
