Friday 7 December 2007

Champagne farewell

My lovely boss took me and another employee (another freelance) out to say thanks for working at the magazine for the last few months. I told her I could only drink Champagne, so she bought a bottle for us to share. (I really can only stomach Champagne, following my treatment for insomnia... No, really!)

I had just about had enough water to feel detoxed from last night's four glasses (not exactly heavy drinking!). I retoxed with another two. I just want to eat fruit and eat good food now. I don't like feeling tired and zonked' have had enough of that with the insomnia.

* * *

The bruises on my arms from kung fu are black now. They'll heal just in time for the next class. I was glad the room was sort-of dark last night, as it made the marks less noticeable.


  1. I thought someone said they were on the way to become a "teetotaler" :)

  2. Erm, no, didn't quite work... :)

    But I have cut down and the only thing I can drink is Champagne, as long as I have lots of food with it. Mmm.
