Saturday 8 September 2007

A talent for war

Yes, that's me. I open my mouth and stick my feet in. In they go. So I'm told.

I feel choked.
I wonder if I should just not talk, should find a little hideaway.
I could just write.
If I made enough sense.
Insomnia is evil.

Most people really, really don't understand it – and why should they? One of my closest friends has sent me an email regaling me of my insomniatique sins. I was/am stunned. But there we go. I have apparently been a terrible friend – an 'unhelpful' and 'difficult' person – even though I have felt as sick as a (very sick) dog a lot of the time lately. I've not been so upset by a friend's words for years.

Wow, what a great month so far.