Tuesday 2 December 2008

Tis the season to sniffle

Why is it that I have the lergy again? Argh.

And although I feel rubbish and am 'full of cold' as they say in certain parts, it's not enough to block out the stench of the mouse decaying somewhere in the floor/skirting. I am burning a Diptyque candle to mask the smell, but still, ugh.


  1. Hey Mell, Sorry you have a cold - I had to look up Diptyque candle, they seem v lovely - the smell of dying mice is horrid, it's like you have a gas leak - I congratulate myself, I think I am rid of them finally, but not sooner have I written this and one will run across the floor tonight. take care x

  2. Thanks, NMJ. So true – it is like a gas leak coupled with something vile (rotting flesh – UGH!). Glad your critters have disappeared, fingers crossed they stay away.

  3. Hope the allergy and the cold run away soon.As for the mouse,get it removed asap!

    Take care dear.
